Middle east

Yemeni Analyst Reveals: Houthi Militias Habitually Target Organizations and Charities

The Houthi terrorist militias have continued their economically driven war, characterized by expanding practices of looting and seizing humanitarian institutions on a large scale.

Expansion of Terrorist Operations

Yemeni reports reveal that the Houthi terrorist militias have become accustomed to expanding their crimes by exploiting their security and administrative power to increase their large-scale extortion activities.

In their latest actions, armed Houthi elements have raided the offices of the Al-Hidaya, Al-Bayan, Al-Ard Al-Tayyiba, and Al-Muhsineen institutions, expelling employees and taking over the premises. This follows the Houthi militias‘ seizure of several charitable and educational institutions in Sana’a, including the Khadija Women’s Center, Al-Fataa Charity Foundation, and centers affiliated with the Al-Ihsan Salafist Association.

Committing Crimes

Human rights activist and Yemeni analyst Ahmed Jabari states that these crimes committed by the Houthi militias add to a series of habitual operations by this terrorist faction, involving horrifying acts that enable the militias to amass significant wealth.

He added  that the Houthi militias have routinely targeted many organizations and charitable associations, along with arbitrary arrests of employees working for international, national, and local organizations.

He points out that the goal of these dubious practices is to enhance the Houthis‘ control over all types of aid, directing it to serve their objectives and war effort, and manipulating it for their questionable interests.

He confirms that these Houthi practices have severe repercussions and extremely dangerous consequences for the living conditions of a large number of residents in the militia-controlled areas.

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