Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood Resurfaces Provocative Fatwa War Against the South… What’s New?

The terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood has launched diabolical fatwas in its ferocious aggression against the South to lead the course of occupation in its regions. The explicit and direct call to desecrate the blood of the pure sons of the South was interspersed, paving the way for committing ferocious war crimes.
The Yemeni site pointed out that the unjust Yemeni war, waged against the South three decades ago, was based on excommunicatory fatwas issued by the Islah Party of the Muslim Brotherhood against the sons of the South in the summer of 1994, specifically through the preachers Abdul Wahhab Al-Delmi and Abdul Majid Al-Zindani.
The Sanaa regime used these fatwas to launch a comprehensive invasion against the South, employing all means of incitement to mobilize against the homeland to wage a comprehensive and treacherous war full of terrorist crimes.
It is noteworthy that the terrorist Brotherhood militias have been accustomed to issuing inciting fatwas against the South, both its people and its army, over the past periods, in messages filled with terrorism, reviving the past of their current chasers of their ancestors who stood behind the war on the South in the nineties.
The Islah Party militias control large parts of Taiz province, while the Houthi militias control the adjacent areas of Dhamar and Ibb provinces. Recently, joint coordination between the two parties was announced to manage the affairs of the province and exert pressure on the South.
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Researchers in Islamic movements believe that the establishment of the terrorist Yemeni Islah Party on September 13, 1990, aimed to strike and tear apart the southern fabric, issuing excommunicatory fatwas against the people of the South to enable its invasion and excommunication.
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They also confirmed that the terrorist Yemeni Islah Party threatens the stability of the region, including Gulf countries, led by Saudi Arabia. They revealed the crimes of the Brotherhood against the people of the South, the most prominent of which was the invasion and occupation of the South during the summer 1994 war by Yemeni northern occupation forces supported by fatwas from the Islah Party – Yemeni Brotherhood, which allowed the shedding of South blood, pillaging of their lands, and extermination as a superfluous people that needed to be eliminated.