Middle east

9 months after the Gaza War… “Day of Paralysis” in Israel and protests sweep the country

At intersections, squares, in front of ministers’ homes, and in the streets, a “Day of Disruption” began across Israel, marking 9 months since the start of the Gaza War on October 7.

The protest activities started early in the morning, after demonstrators gathered in front of ministers’ homes, accusing the government of “complete failure” to bring back the hostages.

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The peak is expected in the evening with protest marches and demonstrations in front of the Histadrut headquarters and at Be’eri Gate in the Kirya area of Tel Aviv, and a march to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s residence on Gaza Street in Jerusalem.

“Return the mandate to the people”

Protesters began gathering this morning in front of the homes of ministers Yisrael Katz, Avi Dichter, Ron Dermer, Defense Minister Gallant, and Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, calling for the dissolution of the Knesset and new elections.

The protesters held signs with slogans such as: “Enough destruction”, “Wake up”, and “Return the mandate to the people”.

According to the coordinators of the various activities, their goal is to “paralyze the country and put unprecedented popular pressure on the government”.

During the day, demonstrations are also expected in front of Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar David’s house in Kiryat Ono, and at Kibbutz Or HaNer under the slogan “9 months of disaster”, as well as protests in 30 squares across the country, and convoys along the country’s roads (including Highway 6, the coastal road, and Highway 4).

Various institutions and organizations have informed their employees that they will switch to remote work in light of the planned protests. Protest organizations, including the Kibbutz Movement and academic institutions, have published plans for some of the activities they are planning.

In front of the Histadrut building in Tel Aviv, there will be a demonstration under the slogan “Enough hiding”, and a large demonstration in Kirya led by the families of the hostages, along with marches in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

There will also be demonstrations at 9 central intersections across the country, including the Nahalal intersection, the Herzliya – Ra’anana intersection on Route 531, the Shefa Center for the Arts intersection, and the Kaplan intersection in Tel Aviv, among others.

Calls for the government’s resignation

According to the protest organizers, “the wide response indicates increasing support for the call for political change and the immediate setting of an election date, in light of the ongoing crisis and the sad reality in Israel”.

Eran Schwartz, one of the protest leaders, said that “the absolute majority of the public has lost trust in the government and demands elections this year”.

He added that “only unified and strong action can bring about the necessary change – return the mandate to the people and hold immediate elections”.

He continued: “We will not stop until an election date is set and the country returns to the path of reform, unity, and hope”.

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