Middle east

On International Women’s Day – 220 Yemeni women and girls fall victim to Houthi mines in Taiz over 5 years.. Details

As women around the world celebrate International Women’s Day, in a spirit of optimism, sweet accomplishments, ambition to lead, make gains and unleash energies, Yemeni women are living in a completely different situation, clad in pain and bound by breath-holding torments caused by the treacherous mines of the Houthi militia.

Abuse and Injustice

We read the lines clearly on the faces of many and many Yemeni women who have been deprived of physical health by landmines, after their limbs were cut off and their bodies torn, and who have had psychological energies damaged and whose eyes turned life into swarms of intense pain lurking on their chests. Their smiles and energies are locked in the prisons of helplessness, expression and sorrow.

Houthi Crimes

Reports on the latest statistics announced by the Executive Center for Mine Action in Taiz revealed that the number of female victims of landmines between 2017 and February 2023 reached 17 women, while the number of women injured reached 203 out of a total of 1,222 victims of Houthi landmines in the same period varied between deaths and injuries.

Targeting women

The report says that the stories of Yemen’s women with mines are heartbreaking, heartbreaking, and shocking to live consciences. They are filled with torments that have shown no mercy to the weakness of this social group and have given them no opportunity to seek refuge from their harsh contexts. Any bitter reality lies between the bars of Cairo, the Yemeni woman, and any crime she has committed that will deprive her health, her family, and the remnants of her livers, breadwinners, and supporters in life, her family, her home, and her dreams.

Yemeni women of all ages are living in the hell of a mine today. Their bodies and psychologies have been left with overwhelming marks for the injustice of these arrogant Cairo bomb canisters. Many Yemeni women today live in prisons where they were forced to enter their trenches by treacherous death canisters.

Repression and violations

Ahmed Jabbari, a Yemeni human rights defender, says that the Huthi terrorist militia has intensified its crimes against women in Yemen, pointing out that Huthi practices seriously undermine the rights and freedoms of women and girls in areas under its control and in other areas of Yemen. These crimes and violations come as part of the official policy of the Houthi group in the way of their suppression of freedoms, especially when it comes to women.

He called on local and international human rights organizations to condemn this crime and show public opinion locally and internationally to hold the killers and those involved in the militia’s actions to account.

He pointed out that Houthi’s crimes varied between killing, mutilation, detention, arrest, kidnapping, torture, and sexual violence, as women were raped under the guise of cleansing. The mechanisms of torture varied, including beating, electric shocks, and mutilation in sensitive areas.

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