Middle east

How does Hezbollah seek to threaten the Lebanese people in the face of unity and solidarity against it?

Hezbollah seeks to threaten the Lebanese people in the midst of their unity and solidarity against it. The Lebanese people are coming together against Hezbollah, the Iran-backed party, as it aims to dismantle a country plagued by rampant corruption. This sectarian party aims to establish a state within a state, exerting significant control over the political and economic landscape, all serving Iran’s interests.

Hezbollah has become a mosquito that the Lebanese people want to eliminate completely. Despite its presence and infiltration within Lebanon, from obstructing the presidency to dominating a large portion of the parliament and even engaging in drug trade, Hezbollah’s influence is wide-reaching.

Hezbollah Displays Its Strength

Reports indicate that Hezbollah continues to showcase its strength in the aftermath of the ongoing events in Lebanon and the Al-Kahala region. Supporters of the party have shared videos displaying armored vehicles and military machinery, seen for the first time in Lebanon. This is happening amidst ongoing debates about the legitimacy of its armament, despite its assurance that there are no immediate plans for a comprehensive military confrontation with Israel.

These displays follow closely on the heels of a crisis involving a truck carrying weapons associated with Hezbollah. The party’s supporters circulated images and videos showing armored vehicles, cannons, and tanks assembled in an unspecified location in the Beqaa Valley in eastern Lebanon.

The Truck Incident

Following the incident of the ammunition truck that overturned on the road to Al-Kahala in Mount Lebanon, the Lebanese army announced that the truck, which Hezbollah acknowledged as belonging to them, was carrying ammunition. The truck, under Hezbollah’s control, was en route from the Beqaa to Beirut. A confrontation broke out between the truck’s escorts and the locals, leading to two casualties. The military was dispatched to the scene to contain the situation, and the truck’s cargo was transported to a military facility.

Political Escalation

In the wake of this incident, Lebanon witnessed a political discourse resembling a confrontation and escalation between Hezbollah and the opposition. The opposition, voicing its concern over Hezbollah’s weapons, received warnings and threats from the party’s leaders. Some accused Christian parties of causing discord, while others cautioned against disrupting the supply lines of the resistance.

The opposition forces have recognized that they face Hezbollah in all its dimensions. There is no room for complacency or seeking settlements. The opposition has achieved important victories, including preventing the election of a pro-resistance candidate to the presidency, initiating dialogues, and thwarting an external initiative aimed at supporting the resistance. They continue to block improper practices by the resistance.

This has transformed the confrontation with Hezbollah into a public matter. Now, political parties and opposition groups are joining forces in a unified stance against Hezbollah in the wake of the Al-Kahala incident. Opposition parties and groups, including the National Bloc, Taqaddam, Khatawat Ahmar, North Gathering 3, Change Movement in the South, Rising Sovereignty Coalition “Tripoli and Akkar Rise,” are rallying together.

A Unified Front Against Hezbollah

These forces issued a statement saying: “The Al-Kahala incident, along with previous scattered security events, represents a dangerous political and security escalation. This turns every region and village in Lebanon into a target for transgression and a human shield behind which Hezbollah’s weapons hide, along with any other weapons outside the state’s authority that move between houses, cities, and ports.”

Stirring the Political Waters

Lebanese political analyst Ali Yahya states that the Al-Kahala incident has stirred stagnant political waters. It came after years of complaints by the people about Hezbollah’s actions. The killing of citizens by Hezbollah elements in Al-Kahala without any accountability sparked public outrage and rallied everyone against the terrorist party.

Yahya added that political parties, for the first time, have found themselves politically victorious, with popular support. He affirmed that a military confrontation with Hezbollah is not currently feasible, but the battle against it, initiated years ago, has escalated with the presidential elections.

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