Middle east

Wars and Crises: Yemen Welcomes Eid al-Adha with Ongoing Deterioration and an Exhausted Nation

Yemen Welcomes Eid al-Adha with Ongoing Deterioration and an Exhausted Nation

Yemenis are welcoming Eid al-Adha this year while their country, exhausted by wars and natural disasters, is seeing increasing poverty and displacement, and the destruction of fragile basic services is expanding, exacerbating the suffering of the population and erasing the joy and festive atmosphere of Eid.

Ongoing Deterioration

Yemenis in Sanaa and other areas controlled by the Houthis complain of being deprived of the joy of Eid al-Adha, attributing this to the severe deterioration of their economic and living conditions, exacerbated by the interruption of salaries, unprecedented price increases, and the intensification of Houthi repression and the imposition of new taxes and levies.

Residents in Sanaa and other Yemeni cities renew their accusations against senior leaders and supervisors of the militias, holding them directly or indirectly responsible for the tragic situation they endure, along with many other Yemenis in different regions.

Faded Features

In this regard, Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Ansari, Yemeni political analyst and president of the “Yemen First” organization, says: “This year’s Eid al-Adha is characterized by faded features due to the difficult conditions Yemenis are living through, which have stolen the joy and cheerfulness of this holiday.”

He added: “Eid in Yemen has become featureless, like a borrowed name, amid the ongoing Houthi war and the impoverishment of the people.” He explained that the consequences of the militia war have deprived people of the joy of Eid, plunging them into many tragedies.

He emphasized that the Houthi war has caused the collapse of the national economy and contributed to the decline and even annihilation of incomes for many citizens. Millions of Yemenis have fallen below the extreme poverty line and are threatened with famine; thus, the preparations for Eid have become dull, no longer holding the previous excitement.

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