Middle east

“Support for Gaza”: The Houthis’ Pretext for Turning Sanaa Mosques into Recruitment and Mobilization Centers

Under the guise of “supporting the Palestinians in Gaza,” the Houthi terrorist militia, Iran’s proxy in Yemen, has transformed mosques in Sanaa into recruitment and mobilization centers, imposing a program of indoctrination to recruit young people and subject them to military training as part of their operations for mobilization and recruitment, ostensibly in support of the Palestinians in Gaza.

Local sources told “Newsyemen” that the militia assigned supervisors to monitor the implementation of the program, carried out by preachers and guides brought from Saada. The program includes sectarian lessons urging enrollment in “recruitment centers” and participation in the general mobilization to support the people of Gaza and liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine.

The sectarian lessons emphasize the importance of “jihad” and call for abandoning jobs and professions to join the general mobilization. These efforts have been largely ignored by citizens and residents who suffer from poverty and hunger due to the militia’s refusal to pay their salaries.

The American Center for Justice, a human rights organization operating from the United States, warns that the current actions of the Houthi militias, training and mobilizing the population to join their combat camps, may exacerbate the conflict and contradict their statements about seeking peace in Yemen.

The leader of the terrorist militia, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, stated in his speech last Thursday that 300,000 recruits had joined the general mobilization, adding, “there is an increase of 13,959 recruits, and we will reach, God willing, half a million recruits.”

In recent weeks, the Houthis have recruited thousands of Yemenis under the pretext of supporting Palestine and lifting the siege on Gaza. Western reports indicate that Houthi recruitment began in 2009 but has significantly increased in recent months.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi reinforces this recruitment and mobilization in his weekly Thursday speeches, urging Yemenis in areas under his control to protest, seeking to give what he calls “legitimacy” to his group’s attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and Bab el-Mandeb Strait, as well as launching ballistic missiles towards southern Israel. These attacks aim to garner support from the Yemeni people and Arab and Islamic populations, portraying himself as the sole defender of Palestine.

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