Middle east

Yemeni Confirmation: Peace with the Houthis is no longer feasible

A new Yemeni confirmation states that peace with the Houthi militias is no longer feasible due to their continued attacks on maritime navigation.

The Vice President of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, General Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, stated on Thursday that talking about peace amidst the continued Houthi escalation in the Red Sea is no longer relevant.

Al-Zubaidi, who is also the President of the Southern Transitional Council, explained during his meeting with ambassadors from 24 European Union countries, led by Head of Mission Gabriel Munuera Vinals, that talking about peace with the Houthi militias “contradicts the realities on the ground.”

Al-Zubaidi asserted that “the Houthi militias continue to prepare and mobilize for a new phase of escalation on land and sea,” noting that “mobilization operations are directed towards Shabwah, Al-Dhale, Yafa’a, and Abyan, alongside their continued attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea and Bab-el-Mandeb.”

Humanitarian Situation

Al-Zubaidi briefed the European ambassadors on the developments in the humanitarian situation in Yemen amidst the economic collapse the country is experiencing and its repercussions on citizens in Aden and the liberated provinces.

He emphasized the need for intervention by the regional and international community in general, and the European Union countries in particular, to enhance the humanitarian support provided to Yemen, enabling it to overcome the current conditions and improve living conditions that have exceeded citizens’ ability to endure.

In contrast, the ambassadors of the European Union countries reiterated their countries’ support for the Presidential Council and their backing of efforts to implement genuine reforms in government institutions, enabling them to fulfill their duties in providing services, stopping economic deterioration, and normalizing the situation in all liberated provinces.

They also expressed their appreciation for the Southern Transitional Council led by Al-Zubaidi for his positive engagement with UN efforts to end the war and establish peace in Yemen and the region.

Houthi Escalation

This comes in conjunction with the Houthi militias escalating their attacks on the fronts, alongside intensifying their attacks on cargo ships, which have reached 129 ships since last October, according to their leader Abdulmalek Al-Houthi.

The leader of the Houthi militias admitted in a televised speech on Thursday that the militias had mobilized 338,350 armed elements in preparation for a new internal phase of war aimed at invading the liberated areas.

The escalation of the Houthi terrorist militias’ land and sea attacks brings the situation back to square one and undermines the roadmap efforts led by the UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, according to observers.

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