
How did political Islamic movements contribute to the rise of the far right in Europe?

The last decades have seen a significant rise of political Islamic movements in many countries around the world, triggering strong reactions from far-right political currents in Europe, most of which have adopted anti-Islam policies promoting ideologies that oppose the cultural and religious integration of Muslims.

The Egyptian site “Al-Bawaba” considers that political Islamic groups have become one of the factors used by far-right extremist parties to bolster their support. These groups are viewed as a threat to the security and stability of European societies, with populist rhetoric, the refugee issue, and stances on Islam and Muslims being common threads in this discourse.

This has led to the emergence of voices blaming political Islamic movements, as well as Islamic extremism in general, for the rise of the far right. They base this on several conditions that have acted as continuous fuel for the speeches and programs of these right-wing leaders.

On one hand, there is a long record of terrorist operations and intimidation of populations in Europe for nearly two decades, which continues to this day. There are also civil wars and failed states in the Middle East that have thrown more refugees into some European countries than they can sometimes absorb.

Thirdly, there is an Islamic discourse spreading hatred, inciting violence, and encouraging Muslim immigrants to resist integration into their new societies, creating real problems for them and those communities, according to the Egyptian site.

The far right has used in its political discourse the potential threats posed by political Islamic groups as a justification for its anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim policies. Far-right parties also promote policies aimed at reducing the political influence of political Islamic groups, such as banning their funding, monitoring mosques, and restricting their political and social activities.

Additionally, “Al-Bawaba” points out that the rise of the far right in Europe largely coincides with the increasing activities of political Islamic movements. It can be said that there is a mutual relationship between the two sides, with the growth of political Islamic movements and Islamic extremism in some European regions enhancing the sense of fear and concern within European communities, thus providing fertile ground for the growth of the far right.

Far-right parties also use terrorist attacks and the activities of political Islamic movements as tools to strengthen their political discourse and call for stricter policies against Muslims and immigrants.

The emergence of political Islam and reactions to it by the far right can lead to a vicious cycle of escalation, with increased extremism on both sides.

The far right has adopted several methods to confront political Islam, with many European countries enacting strict laws to combat terrorism and extremism, as well as laws regulating immigration and asylum.

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