
How to avoid raising a “Bully” child?

If you’re a parent, you may worry about your child’s development, including their nutrition, academic performance, and friendships. However, your concerns may grow if you discover that your child is engaging in “bullying.”

According to the “Cleveland” website, Dr. Amy Lee, a child psychologist, emphasizes the importance of teaching children from an early age that bullying is unacceptable behavior.

Bullying is an aggressive, repeated behavior aimed at controlling others, and it can occur anywhere, even online.

To avoid raising a bully, it’s crucial to teach fundamental values such as respect and kindness at an early age, and to educate children on how to manage their emotions. Positive behaviors should be reinforced, and negative behaviors addressed through “time-outs” to calm and guide the child.

If your child is being bullied, it’s important to teach them not to respond with violence, but to stand firm and refuse to submit to the bully.

Even if the child is a teenager and engages in bullying, their behavior can be corrected with the help of mental health professionals.

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