Middle east

Terrorism: A Product of the Muslim Brotherhood and Houthis… Yemenis React to Large-Scale Massacres in the South

Southern activists have revealed that the South’s battle against terrorism has been ongoing since 1990, when the Islah Party of the Muslim Brotherhood was founded, and terrorism infiltrated the South, along with other allied forces from Sanaa, which engaged in all forms of repression, criminality, persecution, and injustice against the people of the South.

Using the hashtag “Terrorism: A Product of the Brotherhood and Houthis,” they explained that terrorism in the South was not a known phenomenon before the 1994 invasion. According to the “Al Mashhad Al Arabi” website, they noted that with the entry of Yemeni parties, Arab Afghans were brought in, and terrorism was used as a weapon to extort both internally and externally, whereas the South had previously been a haven of stability.

They pointed to the involvement of the terrorist Islah Party in committing large massacres against Southerners, including the assassination of more than 156 Southern cadres in Sanaa, Yemen, along with the issuance of takfiri fatwas against the people of the South.

They warned that the terrorist Islah Party and the terrorist Houthi militia exploit violence and terrorism as key tools to achieve political and expansionist goals, despite the differences in their ideologies and operating circumstances.

They confirmed that the cooperation between the two sides poses a significant threat to national security and international peace and security in the region, stating that terrorism against Southerners will not cease until all institutions of the Islah Party, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, including its religious, educational, and economic entities, are eradicated from the South.

Yemeni activists and politicians revealed that the terrorist Islah Party has committed heinous crimes against the Yemeni people since its founding, with these crimes often being committed under a religious cover, with fatwas justifying these acts as jihad for the sake of God, and labeling the Southern people as infidels whose killing is permissible, even advocating for the extermination of children and women, as shown by the famous Dailami fatwa that permitted the shedding of Southern blood, men, women, and children, under the pretext of protecting Islam and fighting communist infidels.

They emphasized that over the past three decades, the Islah Party has been characterized by its use of violence and takfiri fatwas against the people of Yemen, leading to the deaths of hundreds, especially in the South, and the spilling of their blood.

A report by the British newspaper “The Telegraph” revealed that the Houthi rebels in Yemen have begun cooperating with what is known as “Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” by providing them with drones and exchanging prisoners.

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