
Europe: Qatar funnelled millions of dollars to the terrorist group through Charities Foundation

Qatar’s charities continue to play dubious roles in Europe. The State of Qatar has used it as a window and cover for funding terrorism and extremism in the West, a recent ART program revealed.

The ART program reviewed Qatar’s role in financing terrorism and its direct impact on radical Islamist political groups in Europe.

The program revealed that Qatar Charity, a non-governmental organization, financed projects of mosques, Islamic centers and schools in Europe, all of which are linked to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group, pointing out that in 2016, the investigation published by French media revealed the suspicious files played by Qatar, including USB obtained by journalists George Malbrunot and Christian Chesno through one of the informants.

According to the report, the USB contained thousands of classified documents about the obscure Qatar Charity, a non-governmental organization founded in 1992, with branches present today in seventy countries.

Files released to the public under the title “Qatar Papers” reveal the lists of donors to this dubious institution (including members of the ruling Al Thani family), bank transfers, and emails.

This unprecedented leak reveals attacks carried out by the Emirate of Qatar, on behalf of the Islamic Cause in Europe, where the organization finances some 140 Islamic mosques, centers and schools projects, all linked to support for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group.

The ART program said that despite Doha’s denial of involvement in extremist religious acts, journalists spent two years investigating this field to uncover Qatar’s influence on extremist Islamist groups in the old continent, from the “Islamic Light” Center in Mulhouse, Europe’s largest construction site in a border area with 200,000 Muslims, to the system of receiving immigrants in Sicily in the midst of the Syrian crisis, including the Museum of Islamic Civilizations in Switzerland, or the Imams Training Center in Château-Chinon, where the documentary on Qatar’s financing of terrorism deepens into the heart of these networks, which operate with the same extremist ideology as the Muslim Brotherhood.

The French film raises a question about the nature of the strategy that Qatar is trying to spread through these funds it provides to the Muslim communities in Europe.

This mysterious infiltration does not hide its desire for the movements and groups of political and extremist Islam to impose themselves on the continent through the ideology advocated by the terrorist Brotherhood.

The ART program indicates that the radical Brotherhood, born in Egypt in 1928, continues to spread its ideologies until today in 2021.

The report noted that in 2018, at the Paris Conference “No to the Financing of Terrorism,” the Qatari Emirate officially announced measures to better control its charities, but this latest survey also shows how Qatari funding for radical Islamist groups such as the Brotherhood in Europe came to fill the vacuum left by the countries concerned; these disturbing violations allowed to take place.

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