
A Horrific Crime in India Sparks Protests in 25 Countries

Thousands of Indian expatriates participated in protests in over 130 cities across 25 countries on Sunday, demanding justice after the rape and murder of a medical intern at a hospital in Kolkata, India, last month.

The protests began in large and small groups across Japan, Australia, Taiwan, and Singapore, before spreading to cities in many European countries, with 60 protests scheduled in the United States.

These protests add to ongoing demonstrations across India following the murder of the 31-year-old graduate student on August 9.

Authorities arrested a suspect along with the former director of R.G. Medical College, where the intern had been studying.

In one protest held in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, dozens of women dressed in black gathered in a square, singing Bengali songs and holding signs demanding accountability for the perpetrators and safety for Indian women.

“We were devastated and shocked by the news of this heinous crime committed against a young medical intern while she was performing her duty,” said Deepti Jain, one of the protest organizers.

Jain, a British citizen and graduate of Kolkata’s National Medical College and Hospital, had organized a protest in the UK last month, which was attended by doctors.

The Indian Supreme Court has scheduled the next hearing for the murdered intern’s case for tomorrow, Monday.

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