A Japanese Man Sleeps Only Thirty Minutes a Day… Why?

Amid global warnings about the dangers of sleep deprivation, Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old Japanese man, defies this trend with an unconventional sleep pattern.
Daisuke Hori, who has gained international fame, gets by with only 30 minutes of sleep a day instead of the recommended 7-8 hours.
A report by the South China Morning Post explains that Hori began reducing his sleep hours 12 years ago to increase his daily productivity, eventually managing to limit his sleep to 30-45 minutes a day.
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Hori believes that the quality of sleep is more important than its quantity, citing examples of doctors and firefighters who operate on short sleep durations but perform efficiently. He relies on exercise and coffee before meals to stay alert and combat drowsiness.
However, health experts highlight the risks of sleep deprivation. A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society showed that insufficient or excessive sleep could reduce mental age by two years compared to those who sleep 7-8 hours a day.
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Lack of sleep can negatively affect both physical and mental health, including weakened immunity, weight gain, and cognitive problems.
A report from Harvard confirms that sleep recommendations vary between individuals; while some may need less than 7 hours, others may require more.