Middle east

After the Assassination of Al-Arouri, Hamas Freezes Negotiations and Vows Revenge… Details

The repercussions of the assassination of Hamas‘ Deputy Chief of Political Bureau, Saleh Al-Arouri, in Beirut continue, as Hamas has decided to freeze any talks with mediators regarding a ceasefire in Gaza and reaching a prisoner exchange deal with Israel, according to Palestinian sources.

Hamas informed the mediators of its decision to freeze all discussions about a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip or a prisoner exchange deal with Israel, as reported by Russia Today.

Sources revealed to Al-Arabiya that Hamas informed the mediators of freezing talks about any ceasefire to stop the fighting and the exchange of prisoners after the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri, pledging revenge.

This decision came hours after the assassination of Hamas’ Deputy Chief of Political Bureau, Saleh Al-Arouri, and two leaders of the Al-Qassam Brigades in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

Israel informed the mediators that it would not stop the assassination operations against Hamas leaders to achieve a truce, clarifying that it does not target Lebanon or Hezbollah, but anyone involved in the October 7th attack.

The official Lebanese news agency reported, “An Israeli drone targeted a Hamas office in the Mashrafiyeh area, resulting in 6 casualties.”

Before the assassination, the head of Hamas‘ Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, said in a recorded speech that the movement had considered the offers presented by Egypt and Qatar regarding a ceasefire in Gaza and conveyed its vision on this matter.

Egypt and Qatar, alongside the United States, are spearheading efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a prisoner exchange deal between Hamas and Tel Aviv.

Before the outbreak of war in the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials accused Al-Arouri of being involved in planning operations against the army and settlers in the West Bank, calling for his assassination.

On October 31st, the Israeli army detonated Al-Arouri’s house in the town of ‘Arura near Ramallah in the West Bank, days after a wide-scale operation against Hamas in the village, turning the house into an investigation center, as reported by Arab 48.

Meanwhile, clashes continue in the Gaza Strip for the 88th day, amid the ongoing intense Israeli shelling of various cities in the region, amidst a worsening humanitarian catastrophe and an escalation in the region.

The toll of Palestinian casualties due to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip has risen to 22,185 since the outbreak of the war on October 7th.

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