
Austrian Intelligence Reveals 5 “Dangerous” Activities of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood continues to infiltrate the societies they operate in, attempting to influence decision-making processes to achieve their goal of “empowerment.”

A recent report by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism, “internal intelligence,” in Austria has tracked the movements of the Muslim Brotherhood since the beginning of 2023 to achieve the group’s goals and engage in their usual “deception game.”

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The report states: “There are radical Islamist organizations in Austria, but the most famous group at present is the Muslim Brotherhood and organizations indirectly linked or ideologically influenced by them.”

It continues: “Since the beginning of 2023, these organizations have primarily used legal influence on politics and society to achieve their goal of social change.”

The report adds: “The Brotherhood and its associated organizations have sought to influence both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative influence includes activities aimed at having a broad impact on the education and training sector.”

And it continues: “Qualitative influence includes targeted pressure on national and international decision-makers. Controlling the media narrative is an example of both quantitative and qualitative influence.”

The report notes that the transnational connection between the organizations comprising the international Brotherhood network has been evident in recent times.

“Center of Terrorism”

Regarding the Brotherhood‘s stance on violence, the report states: “The stance on violence and its use to achieve specific goals varies depending on time and context.”

It explains: “An example is the repeated calls for violence in the context of the Middle East conflict.” The report adds: “Historically, violent groups have repeatedly split from the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The report then discusses ongoing investigations at the Graz prosecutor’s office in the “south” concerning the Brotherhood. It states: “The ongoing investigations against the Brotherhood and Hamas, whether against individuals or organizations, are known as Operation Luxor, which began in 2020.”

It continues: “The investigations involve suspicions of terrorism financing and the suspicion that Brotherhood elements in Austria are actively participating in schemes to establish an Islamic state; i.e., a caliphate, thus encouraging their followers to support jihadist movements.”

It adds: “Furthermore, children and adults have already been indoctrinated with anti-democratic and anti-Semitic ideas in various educational institutions.”


Since November 2020, the Graz prosecutor’s office has been investigating the Brotherhood on charges of terrorism financing, spreading extremism, and inciting hatred, without reaching a conclusion yet.

A few weeks ago, organizations linked to the Brotherhood returned to the spotlight. The tax office discovered a large sum of money during an audit of transactions and transfers by a charitable organization linked to the Brotherhood, under investigation by the Graz prosecutor’s office.

The tax office decided to confiscate 593,000 euros from the charitable organization “Rahma Austria,” which was first placed under suspicion during authorities’ raids against the Brotherhood four years ago. The situation recently worsened due to financial suspicions.

In the context of the Graz prosecutor’s investigations into charges of terrorism financing and money laundering against the organization, other suspicions have emerged regarding the misuse of donations. The prosecutor’s office is now investigating new charges of fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion.

The tax office discovered irregularities in the organization’s bank accounts, including paying travel expenses for unrelated individuals, such as the children of its officials.

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