Biden and the Trump Hat: A New Gaffe or a Noble Gesture?

A video shows U.S. President Joe Biden wearing a hat bearing the slogan of his predecessor and Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. So, what’s the story behind it?
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Biden wore the hat during an event commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks.
The footage was captured inside a fire station in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the location where United Flight 93 crashed on September 11, 2001.
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While touring the fire station, Biden happened to meet a Trump supporter, who offered him a hat. In return, he gave Biden a hat featuring Trump’s campaign logo, saying, “In this spirit, the president should wear a Trump hat.” Biden briefly placed the hat on his head.
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Andrew Bates, the White House spokesperson, confirmed that Biden‘s gesture was intended to “show the unity of the country.”