
Biden-Trump Debate: Poll Reveals Who Has the Upper Hand

A poll conducted by “CNN” and “SSRS” networks shows that the debate leans in favor of former US President Donald Trump.

According to the poll, “about 8 out of 10 registered voters who watched the debate (81%) say it had no impact on their choice of president, 14% said it made them reconsider but did not change their mind, while 5% said they changed their mind about whom to vote for.”

Almost equal shares of Biden and Trump supporters said the debate changed their opinion.

Viewers’ opinions of Biden declined slightly after the debate: only 31% viewed him positively, compared to 37% in a pre-debate poll of the same voters. In contrast, 43% of debate viewers had a positive view of Trump, similar to the 40% who had a positive view of him before Thursday’s event.

Among debate viewers, 48% said Trump addressed concerns about his ability to handle the presidency better, while 23% said Biden did a better job and 22% said neither candidate did. Another 7% thought both candidates did equally well in alleviating concerns.

Among debate viewers, 48% said they would consider voting only for Trump, 40% only for Biden, 2% for both candidates, and 11% would not consider voting for either.

According to an analysis by the American magazine “Newsweek,” Joe Biden lost the debate, presenting a shaky performance, losing focus at times, and struggling with stuttering and voice issues, although he managed to score some points on issues like democracy and abortion.

On the other hand, the magazine viewed Donald Trump as the winner of the debate despite repeating numerous “lies” because he presented a coherent performance and attacked Biden on several issues.

The debate took place at a time of deep polarization and significant concern among voters about the state of American politics. Two-thirds of voters said in a Reuters/Ipsos poll in May that they feared violence could follow the elections, nearly four years after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol.

While national polls show a tie in the election race, Biden has fallen behind Trump in most of the states that usually decide presidential elections.

Additionally, Biden lost his financial edge over Trump this month, with Trump’s fundraising increasing after his criminal conviction for attempting to cover up payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

The second and final debate of this year’s campaign is scheduled for September.

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