
Brotherhood Demands to Expel the “Acting Guide” from the Organization’s Headquarters… Details?

In the latest developments in the struggle between the factions of the Muslim Brotherhood for positions and gains during the second half of May 2024, several members of what is known as the Brotherhood‘s Change Movement announced that a group of leaders from Mahmoud Hussein’s faction had asked the police in the safe haven country to enforce the law and enable them to take over one of the administrative offices belonging to Salah Abdel Haq’s faction.

They claimed that “the acting general guide of the Egyptian Brotherhood organization is Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, and he has the right to manage its funds and properties in cooperation with his leadership group. Therefore, legally, the administrative offices should be vacated by any other person impersonating the acting guide or any leaders claiming to manage the organization’s affairs,” according to the Egyptian website “El-Osboa.”

This account has been widely circulated among Brotherhood Facebook accounts and pages and has been heavily promoted for four days without response or denial from the factions vying for leadership positions.

On May 21, 2024, terrorist leader Yahya Moussa wrote a post on his Facebook page confirming that several leaders of the organization had admitted total failure. He stated, “They whisper in their private meetings that everything is over and there is no room for repair or restoration. But when they meet their followers, they sell them the illusions of a great and historic organization, misleading their ranks without guiding them,” as reported by the Egyptian website.

A Brotherhood member from the armed cells revealed that a prominent leader, sitting among young fugitives in a friendly country in 2015, was preoccupied with writing numerous papers in front of him. One of the young men sitting next to him asked what he was writing. He replied that he was working on a book titled “How the Brotherhood Succeeded in Taming the Military.” This surprised the young people around him, and one asked, “Did you really succeed in taming the military?” His response was, “Yes, but we are giving them time to lure them into what we want, and then we will only need to announce our decision at the right time.”

The discussion among the rival brothers also touched on “buying loyalties, distributing positions and responsibilities, assigning salaries, residences, and nationalities, with the aim of enabling a specific group to control the organization’s funds, properties, and media in a new takeover plan. Each rival faction claims to act on the orders of the imprisoned leaders of the organization, asserting that they are the only loyal members of the organization and the rightful leaders, thus seizing the dubious funding.”

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