
Due to Cigarettes: Three Men Lose Consciousness in Germany

Two men collapsed in western Germany yesterday after smoking cigarettes contaminated with an unknown substance, believed to have been bought from the same vendor.

The incident followed the collapse of a third man over the weekend after smoking a similar cigarette.

German police reported that paramedics rescued a 52-year-old man in the city of Duisburg last Saturday night, finding him unconscious after smoking a cigarette containing an unknown substance. Fortunately, his health condition improved, and he is no longer in danger.

In two separate incidents yesterday, two other men lost consciousness after smoking contaminated cigarettes. The first was 43 years old, and the second 45 years old, both survived the incident. After questioning witnesses and obtaining a description of the suspect selling the cigarettes, the police arrested a person suspected of violating the new psychoactive substances law, but no additional evidence was found during the search of his home.

Investigators believe that smoking cigarettes containing an unknown substance led to severe cardiovascular complications, potentially causing death.

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