Middle east

Due to the Stubbornness and Poor Management of the Muslim Brotherhood… The Sanitation Workers’ Crisis in Taiz Worsens

Sanitation workers have begun to scatter garbage in the streets of Taiz, which is under the administration of the Al-Islah party, “the Muslim Brotherhood‘s arm in Yemen,” in protest against the delay in their salaries.

Eyewitnesses, reported by the “Al-Montasef Net” website, indicated that the workers removed garbage bags from bins and collection points and scattered them in the streets. These actions were described as vandalism and chaos, which do not fall under the category of protests. They have called for legal action to prevent such barbaric acts from recurring.

Rihab al-Qabati, Deputy Director General of the Cleaning and Improvement Fund in Taiz, confirmed to “Taiz Time” that there are legitimate demands from the sanitation workers in the province that justify their protests and expressions of anger.

She explained that “some workers have been excluded from the salary and employment lists in favor of new workers, which has affected the old employees. Additionally, engineers in the maintenance workshop of the cleaning project have been marginalized, their entitlements halted, and a private workshop owned by a relative of the fund’s director has been contracted.”

Al-Qabati stated that there have been abuses against some workers from the fund, including the dispatch of military teams to their homes.

She added that “memos had been submitted by the sanitation workers’ union to the fund’s director, the governor, and provincial representatives, requesting a meeting with the governor to address the sanitation workers’ issues, but unfortunately, there was no response.”

Al-Qabati continued: “When the sanitation workers demanded their legitimate rights, the Al-Islah party’s forces launched arrest campaigns targeting unionists and workers. Yesterday, Mohamed Naji Chaban, a journalist affiliated with the union, was arrested.”

She mentioned that “a meeting was held yesterday at the Cleaning Fund administration with the fund’s director, Iftihan al-Mashari, in the presence of the first deputy governor of Taiz, Dr. Abdel-Qawi al-Mukhlafi, and several members of the fund’s workers’ union. An agreement was reached to address the sanitation workers’ issues and release the detained journalist, Mohamed Naji Chaban.”

She added: “Union President Sadiq Ahmed, along with several members, went to the Taiz Security Administration to secure their colleague’s release according to the directives of the deputy governor and the signed agreement. Unfortunately, the union president along with the media officer Chaban were detained.”

She clarified that “the union president is ill, suffering from electrical discharge and heart disease, which has affected him. He fell into a coma and was transferred to the Revolution Hospital for treatment, but after regaining consciousness, he was returned to the security administration prison.”

She confirmed that “Union President Sadiq Ahmed and union journalist Mohamed Naji are still detained to this day. Consequently, the workers continue their strike until their detained colleagues are released.”

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