
Hamas and Houthis… Contradictory ties and blood-stained honors

Among the different countries, Iran has planted several arms with the aim of controlling the Arab region, in order to spread chaos and violence and break up the states, linking them to illegal relations aimed at undermining the security and stability of the country, which is what happened in Palestine and Yemen, through its main players, Hamas and the Houthi militia.

Hamas and the Houthis

The Houthi militias in Yemen and the Hamas movement in Palestine, both funded by Iran, have tried to hide them for years, sometimes renouncing them, before officially recognizing them by honoring the effects of provocation in the region, at a time when Arab countries are trying to classify Houthi as a terrorist group.

This rapprochement between the two groups is part of the contradiction of their previous pragmatic positions, as in 2020, the two parties exchanged controversial love letters through a letter received by the Houthi political bureau from the political bureau of Hamas, in which Ismail Haniyeh expressed his great greetings and appreciation to all the Yemeni leadership and people, as he described, praising what he considered their role in supporting the Palestinian cause.

The Houthis welcomed the message, with one member of the Houthi political bureau saying: “We call on the people of the Islamic nation to unite their words and to move seriously and responsibly to confront the projects of the enemies and to thwart the efforts of normalization and rapprochement with the Zionist enemy entity”, he said.

Approach and exploitation

Observers considered the message as aiming at rapprochement and coordination between Iran’s friends and allies to achieve a certain type of coordination, a certain vision that is in Tehran’s interest, or mutual exploitation of the consumption of another party.

This comes after what was announced two years ago by Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the group, at the end of the day that militias are ready to release five Saudis in exchange for the release of members of the Palestinian Hamas movement detained in Riyadh.

Honoring blood

In June, Hamas representative and director of its office in Yemen Mouaz Abu Shamala honored and gave what he called the Movement’s Shield to militia leader Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, coinciding with the Marib massacre in which the Houthis targeted civilians with ballistic missiles and marches, killing about 21 civilians, which drew wide local, regional, and international condemnation.

The honoring sparked wide anger in the Yemeni and Arab streets, considering it a direct participation in the killing of Yemenis, granting legitimacy to Houthi crimes, and acknowledging an official relationship between the representation and its office in Sanaa to serve Iran’s agenda in the region. Experts confirmed that Hamas’ relationship with the Houthis is not new, and is not limited to the media, financial, or mutual support.

After that wave of anger last year, Hamas commented, with statements in which it tried to retreat from its position, that it seems that it was motivated by keeping open options in this regard, and that any statement, position or action that is understood as bias for any party or interference from the movement in the unfortunate conflict in Yemen and elsewhere, is personal and does not reflect the movement and its leadership in any way.

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