
How did the UAE support a pure Palestinian authority for governance in the country and denounce Netanyahu’s invitation?

In the interest of preserving the Palestinian cause, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) seeks to uphold the integrity of Palestinian territories and condemn Israel’s actions since October 7th, beginning with strong stances within the Security Council and extending to rejecting Israel’s practices against the Palestinian people.

The UAE is dropping thousands of tons of aid into the Gaza Strip to assist the Palestinian people, as well as protecting Palestinian lands in accordance with the law and the Palestinian people’s cause, against Netanyahu‘s practices seeking to eliminate the Palestinian people.

Controversial Statements

Recently, the United Arab Emirates affirmed its rejection of statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the invitation of the state to participate in the civilian administration of the Gaza Strip, which is under Israeli occupation, and condemned Netanyahu‘s statements, which in turn were unacceptable and aimed at occupation.

The Emirati Response is “Strong”

In a statement on its official account on the X platform, the UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said: “The United Arab Emirates condemns the statements made by the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, regarding the invitation of the state to participate in the civilian administration of the Gaza Strip, which is under Israeli occupation.”

Bin Zayed added: “The United Arab Emirates emphasizes that the Israeli Prime Minister does not enjoy any legitimacy to take this step, and the state refuses to be drawn into any plan aimed at providing cover for Israeli presence in the Gaza Strip.”

He also added that “when a Palestinian government is formed that meets the hopes and aspirations of the brotherly Palestinian people and possesses integrity, competence, and independence, the state will be fully prepared to provide all forms of support to that government.”

Political analyst Nafea Ben Kaleb said: “Palestine won its membership in the United Nations under the leadership of the brotherly United Arab Emirates, the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and several other brotherly and friendly countries.”

He added, “We saw their strenuous efforts, their efforts to balance the formulation of the resolution to ensure the vote of the majority of the countries that opposed the project, and they also made diplomatic efforts to convince the countries of the nature of the strong Emirati relations with most of the member states, especially the major powers, with which the UAE has strategic relations.”

The Emirati achievement is a source of pride for the Arabs and has made the Palestinians happy, even if some attribute it and include it in the list of their achievements, but as the Arabs used to say, “Success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan.”

A political activist said: “The United Arab Emirates is rooted in its wise decisions to support the Palestinian people in obtaining a decent and happy life and has provided all kinds of tangible support that relieves the Palestinian from water, food, medicine, and all the needs of life from the first day and insists on the principle of establishing a free Palestinian state through a national consensus.”

He added, “The UAE is among the countries that have provided strong and real support in the Security Council and political action, may God glorify the UAE, bless its leaders, governors, and eminent sheikhs, and bless its great people.”

Political analyst Dharrar Belhoul said: “The current situation was clear and did not need statements and denunciations. The Palestinian issue is an Arab issue, and the UAE never forgets Arabism and the Palestinian people, and the real goal behind it is to seek to preserve the integrity of all of Palestine.”

Belhoul added that Netanyahu‘s statements were humiliating and showed nothing but the protection of his position and recognition of the encirclement of the Palestinian people, which Arab countries, especially the UAE and Saudi Arabia, reject.

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