Arabian Gulf

In front of the Security Council… Emirati recommendations for counterterrorism

The United Arab Emirates called on the international community to coordinate efforts and collaborate in deterring cross-border terrorist threats, supporting conflict-affected countries, and enhancing their capacities. In a statement presented before the Security Council, Ameira Al-Hafeiti, Deputy Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, expressed the country’s aspiration for the upcoming African summit on counterterrorism, organized by the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office and Nigeria early next year.

The statement emphasized the need to enhance preventive measures by addressing the root causes of extremism, preventing it from eventually causing innocent bloodshed, while striving to build peaceful and resilient societies in the face of extremism. This requires a comprehensive governmental and societal approach that focuses on investing in education, economic development, promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue, as well as empowering women and youth.

It also emphasized the necessity of not associating terrorism with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group, as any terrorist act is purely criminal and unjustifiable. Therefore, the UAE continues to stress the importance of avoiding the use of religious labels when referring to terrorist groups, such as (ISIS).

The UAE urged the continued development of methods to prevent and counter terrorists’ exploitation of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, drones, cryptocurrencies, digital platforms, which in the hands of individuals and terrorist groups constitute a serious threat to international peace and security.

The UAE reiterated the necessity of revitalizing and expediting efforts to adopt a comprehensive international convention on terrorism. Despite the existence of international agreements and resolutions to address the growing terrorist threats, including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, eradicating this menace requires a comprehensive international convention to strengthen the legal international framework in this field. Finally, the UAE affirmed its commitment to continue its efforts, including its presidency of the Counter-Terrorism Committee this year, to enhance the United Nations’ counterterrorism system.

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