
Kuwait Tops Arab Countries in Happiness Index, Lebanon Last

Kuwait ranked first among Arab countries in the Happiness Index, coming in 13th globally, according to a ranking published on Wednesday under the auspices of the United Nations.

Lebanon came in last among Arab countries, following Jordan (125th) and Egypt (127th).

Globally, Finland reinforced its reputation as the happiest country in the world by clinching the title for the seventh consecutive year.

According to “France Presse,” Scandinavian countries dominated the ranking, with Denmark coming in second, followed by Iceland and Sweden. France secured the 27th position.

Afghanistan brought up the rear in the ranking of 143 countries, with the humanitarian crisis worsening since the Taliban seized power in 2021 following the withdrawal of US forces.

For the first time in over ten years, the United States and Germany were not among the top twenty happiest countries, ranking 23rd and 24th, respectively.

None of the most populous countries were included in this list.

According to the report, “only the Netherlands and Australia among the top ten countries have populations exceeding 15 million. Among the top twenty, only Canada and the United Kingdom have populations exceeding 30 million.”

The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network has been publishing the World Happiness Report annually since 2012, which measures the level of happiness in countries.

The authors of the study, published annually since 2012, rely on opinion surveys in which citizens respond to questionnaires about their personal happiness level. These data are cross-referenced with several economic and social indicators, including gross domestic product, solidarity indices, individual freedom, and corruption.

The report takes into account six key factors: social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and absence of corruption.

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