
Mont Blanc Mountain: Europe’s tallest peak is decreasing, and here’s why


Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe located between France and Italy, has reached a height of 4805.59 meters after being measured in September, a number that is 2.22 meters lower than in 2021, according to a team of French surveyors.

Around twenty individuals equipped with advanced tools, and for the first time, a drone, climbed Mont Blanc in mid-September to conduct precise survey operations over several days, a practice they have been carrying out every two years since 2001.

This initiative aims to create models of the glacier cover and gather scientific data on the impact of climate change on the Alps mountain range, as stated by the participants in this project launched by the Chamber of Surveying Experts in Haute-Savoie, which now includes a large number of partners.

The Chamber’s President, Jean de Garie, announced during a press conference in Chamonix: “It is declared that Mont Blanc’s height this year is 4805.59 meters,” adding, “A decrease of 2.22 meters has been recorded compared to the 2021 figure.”

Experts concluded that “now it is up to climate scientists, glaciologists, and other specialists to review all the collected data and formulate hypotheses to explain this phenomenon,” emphasizing that their role is limited to “collecting data for future generations.”

De Garie said, “Have we witnessed such a significant variation before? The answer is yes,” explaining that the difference “reflects fluctuations in summer rainfall.”

He continued: “This mountain may become much higher in two years” when we measure its height again.

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