Middle east

New Brotherhood-Houthi Agreement… Details

The Houthi terrorist militias announced that they have reached an agreement with the Yemeni Congregation for Reform party (the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) regarding the opening of the Sanaa – Al-Bayda – Marib road.

Hussein Al-Ezzi, the foreign minister of the pro-Iranian militias, stated in a tweet on his social media page yesterday that a “fraternal agreement” had been reached, stipulating the adoption of Sanaa’s initiative concerning the opening of the roads, according to Al-Ayyam newspaper.

Al-Ezzi explained that the agreement came after officials from Sanaa and the Muslim Brotherhood inspected the new road linking Sanaa to Marib via Al-Bayda.

He added: “The agreement in Marib is part of a series of agreements previously implemented in Taiz, based on an initiative from Sanaa.”

This agreement is clear evidence that communications between the Houthis and the Muslim Brotherhood continue, despite the media attacks that both sides launch against each other to promote the idea that the Iranian-backed militias and the Muslim Brotherhood are not in accord in Yemen.

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