
New Statements by Erdogan… Does it Shatter Turkey’s Dream of Joining the European Union?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced yesterday that Turkey may part ways with the European Union, indicating that the country is considering ending its efforts to join the bloc of 27 countries.

Erdogan’s EU Dilemma

Erdogan stated to journalists before leaving for the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. “The European Union is making efforts to sever ties with Turkey. and we will evaluate the situation. and if necessary, we will part ways with the European Union,” according to the French Press Agency (AFP).

European Parliament’s Report

Erdogan’s remarks came in response to a question about a recent report adopted by the European Parliament, which stated that “the accession process cannot be resumed under current circumstances.” The report also called on the European Union to explore a “parallel and realistic framework” for relations between the bloc and Turkey.

Frozen Accession Talks

It’s worth noting that Turkey applied for EU membership in 1999, and accession negotiations began in 2005. However. the accession talks were frozen in 2018 due to “democratic backsliding,” according to the European Parliament.

Turkish Foreign Minister’s Push

Erdogan’s statement came after more than a week of the Turkish Foreign Minister reaffirming his country’s intention to join the European Union and urging the bloc to take bold steps to push forward its attempt.

Turkey’s Rejection of U.S. Report

Meanwhile, Turkey rejected information in a report by the U.S. State Department concerning “child recruitment.” included in the “Trafficking in Persons Report for 2023.” The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the U.S. report. affirmed that Turkey is making every effort to prevent human trafficking. punish criminals.protect victims. and continue its efforts to enhance bilateral, regional, and international cooperation in this regard.

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