
One Cause is Dehydration… Reasons Behind Dark Circles Around the Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a cosmetic issue that troubles many people, giving a pale and tired look that can add years to the face. Patients often seek dermatologists for effective solutions to tackle these persistent shadows.

According to the “Times of India” website, here are some causes of dark circles:

  • Allergies
    They cause the blood vessels under the eyes to expand, making dark circles more prominent.
  • Genetic Factors
    Some people have thin skin or hyperpigmentation, making them more prone to dark circles.
  • Dehydration
    It makes the skin dull, increasing the visibility of dark circles.
  • Lack of Sleep
    It causes pale skin, highlighting the blood vessels.
  • Aging
    As we age, the skin becomes thinner, which makes blood vessels more noticeable.
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To reduce the appearance of dark circles, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and iron, get enough sleep, and manage stress.

Sun protection is crucial, as is staying hydrated by drinking water regularly to maintain skin moisture.

Treatments such as chemical peels, laser therapy, dermal fillers, or microneedling can be considered to improve skin appearance and reduce pigmentation.

Consulting a dermatologist is advisable to determine the most suitable treatment based on skin type and the severity of the dark circles.

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