
‘Reporters Without Borders’ accuses Israel of turning Gaza into a graveyard for journalists… Details 

On Wednesday, the organization “Reporters Without Borders” accused Israel of turning Gaza into a “graveyard for journalists” with the killing of approximately (10) of them within (3) days, raising the total number of journalists killed in the sector since October 7th to (48), warning of the “eradication of journalism in Gaza.”

In a report published on Wednesday, the organization considered the last weekend to be the bloodiest for journalists since the outbreak of the war between Hamas and Israel, counting the killing of (10) Palestinian journalists in Gaza within the period between November 18th and 20th, “(3) of them at least while performing their duties,” raising the total number of journalists killed “in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza” to (48).

Jonathan Dagher, the head of the office of “Reporters Without Borders” in the Middle East, accused the Israeli forces of “killing nearly (50) journalists in (45) days in Gaza, including (11) journalists while performing their duties, which is one of the bloodiest losses in this century (for journalism),” according to (France 24).

Dagher condemned the prevention of international journalists from entering Gaza, stating that journalists present in the sector have no “safe haven or means of escape, and they are being killed one after another.”

He urged the international community to protect journalists in Gaza, warning of a “real eradication of journalism in the Palestinian territories since October 7th.”

On Monday, the organization accused Israel of gradually working to stifle media actors in the Gaza Strip for about two weeks, through “killing journalists or injuring them, destroying media buildings, cutting off the internet, or threatening the international channel (Al Jazeera) with censorship.”

For its part, the Committee to Protect Journalists counted until November 21st the killing of at least (53) journalists and media workers since the start of the war on October 7th.

The non-governmental organization, based in New York, stated that the “second most deadly day for journalist deaths was November 18th, where (5) journalists were killed, and the deadliest day in the war was its first day, October 7th, where (6) journalists were killed.”

Nasser Abu Bakr, the head of Palestinian journalists, said in a previous intervention on the program “Media Forum” on (France 24): “More than (1000) journalists and their families in the Gaza Strip have been displaced from their homes; the overwhelming majority of them no longer have a safe place. Some of them have fled to the south of the Gaza Strip or to the shelters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and some are also present in hospital yards or sleeping under trees or under the sky; they are in the hundreds.

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