Saudi Arabia heads the G20 meeting with the discussion of work policies, women, and social protection systems

According to a press statement from the group, the G20 Employment and Labor Ministers will meet virtually during the coronavirus pandemic on September 10 to talk about improving current work policies and social protection systems.
Saudi Arabia, which operates now the G20 Presidency, will head the meeting while ministers will discuss a number of subjects, including empowering youth and women. the press statement reported: Ministers will meet to build on the commitments at the G20 Leaders’ Extraordinary Summit in March and the Employment and Labor Ministers’ Meeting in April, where members committed to discuss the impact of COVID19 and monitor the recovery of labor markets that can ensure the progress of all workers and adequately supporting them in their return to work.
Indeed, foreign ministers of G20 countries gathered on Thursday to debate about reopening borders and improving international collaboration concerning the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
According to a G20 statement, the ministers confirmed the importance of opening borders, as well as improving procedures that allow the economy to thrive in light of the protective measures placed because of the COVID-19.
Furthermore, Saudi Arabia hosted last week a webinar for the B20, which represents the global business community across all G20 member states and all economic sectors. The kingdom has made for the upcoming G20 summit the B20 one of the main engagement groups, with the participation of women in business as a signature theme.