Middle east

Shabwah Defense Forces Disrupt Cooperation between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda

During the past period, many threads of cooperation and a close relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood organization in Yemen and terrorist organizations, especially Al-Qaeda have been revealed. Al-Qaedahas recently resumed carrying out terrorist operations against the Southern forces in the Shabwah and Abyan governorates.

The Southern Shabwah Defense Forces managed to uncover terrorist leaders hidden within the community, including a prominent member of the Reform Party, the local wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, according to the “News Yemen” website.

The forces revealed shocking details about the close relationship and significant role played by the Muslim Brotherhood element in facilitating terrorist operations and the movements ofAl-Qaeda members to target the security and military forces in the Shabwah regions. According to the information published by the Shabwah Defense Forces, leaders oAl-Qaeda, Ahmed Mubarak Al-Khadir Al-Diyani and Ahmed Mohsen Al-Ja’ab Ba’awdah, were arrested in a successful qualitative operation carried out after monitoring and tracking the terrorist organizations’ cells within the Shabwah areas. During the initial investigations, information was revealed about a series of terrorist operations against security and military forces in the Shabwah governorate, leading to the martyrdom of dozens of heroic soldiers from the Shabwah governorate.

The investigations also uncovered important information about dangerous elements affiliated with the organization, hiding within the community, including Saddam Hassan Majrab Al-Sulaimani, known as Abu Al-Hasan Al-Sulaimani. He is one of the members of the Yemeni Reform Party and is considered one of the most important terrorist elements relied upon by Al-Qaeda to facilitate the movements of the organization’s members, deliver explosive devices, monitor the movements of Shabwah Defense Forces and coalition forces, and transport the organization’s members from the Khawrah area to Al-Musayn’ah, Baras Mountain, and other areas.

According to preliminary information in the investigations, Al-Sulaimani’s involvement in transporting explosive devices and ammunition and storing them in his house was confirmed, as well as delivering them toAl-Qaeda sleeper cells in the Al-Musayn’ah district of the Say’un directorate to be used against the Shabwa Defense Forces. In addition to that, he provided the organization’s elements with food, clothing, and items used in the manufacturing and detonation of explosive devices.

According to confessions made by the arrested leaders ofAl-Qaeda, Saddam Al-Sulaimani is considered one of the most active elements involved in the attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda against the Shabwah Defense Forces in the Al-Musayn’ah district, resulting in martyrs and casualties.

A statement issued by the Shabwah Defense Forces pointed out that Saddam Al-Sulaimani was arrested on August 29 near his home, and initial investigation proceedings were initiated with him. He confessed to his involvement in working for the terrorist organization since 2020. According to Al-Sulaimani’s statements, he confirmed his affiliation with the organization through the leader Abu Awad Al-Tawsi, in addition to his involvement in all the activities carried out by the organization, such as transporting members and monitoring the movements of the forces and transporting explosive devices and ammunition, and others.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Reform Party ignored the arrest of one of its prominent members in the Shabwah governorate and sought to deny Saddam Al-Sulaimani’s affiliation with the party, as well as all the activities he carried out to strengthen the relationship with the terrorist organization. The Brotherhood and party leaders and their media outlets continued to ignore discussing the man after the security authorities provided the facts during the first days of his arrest and the serious confessions made by the field leaders who were arrested in the governorate.

Following the death of the accused Al-Sulaimani due to a health condition that afflicted him, the Muslim Brotherhood leaders, through their media outlets, sought to exploit the incident of his death to launch a frenzied campaign targeting the Shabwah Defense Forces and undermining their achievements in combating terrorism and extremism through false and malicious accusations.

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