
Somali army surrounds al-Shabaab terrorist group

The Somali army, with popular support, continues to intensify its operations against the terrorist group Al-Shabaab. Somali forces launched a major strike against a gathering center for the organization’s members in the Ail Hariri area.

On Friday, the army said more than 100 al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab fighters were killed in military operations in central Mogadishu with the help of local residents, in what was described as a “fierce” battle in Ail Hariri in Mgoukoury sub-district, Hiiraan.

According to Defense Ministry spokesperson Gen. Abdullah Ali Anoud, the army launched a ground and air attack on two areas in Hiiraan province after the terrorists gathered, with the participation of local tribal forces opposed to the terrorist organization.

Paradigm shift

Somali researcher Adam Haibah said that the Somali government launched an unprecedented war on terrorism over the last three months, relying on several axes, as represented by:

Targeting of administrative centers and qualitative sites to paralyze movement and its operations, which is a qualitative shift in the military operations led by the Somali army.

Coordination with the tribes affected by the movement and who want to eliminate it after depleting it financially through taxes and continuous threats to its security.

Intensification and succession of operations to hinder the movement from being able to organize and carry out operations targeting security forces.

Drying up all financial sources, because the economic axis is the lifeline for the movement seeking resources for weapons purchases and operations.

Neutralizing any economic entities, whether companies or individuals that may pay taxes or funds, may aid the movement in its terrorist operations.

The supply routes between the two camps have been cut off, one in southern Somalia in the Jubaland area and the other in the central states.

The Somali scholar believes that the Somali president and government are serious about the war on terrorism, and that the current president may benefit from his considerable experience during the previous presidential term.

Movement losses

In recent months, al-Shabaab has suffered heavy losses, the latest operation following a series of attacks on its strategic centers.

Government forces, supported by tribal gunmen, have retaken several strategic areas in Hiiraan province that were under the control of al-Shabaab since the launch of military operations to expel al-Shabaab from areas it occupies in the center and south of the country.

In an earlier operation, the Somali army announced that three Al-Shabaab members were killed in a military operation in the Makukuri area of Mahas town in Hiiraan province in central Somalia. According to the command of the 27th Division of the army, those killed were responsible for collecting taxes (royalties) for the group.

The liquidation of the royalty officials came days after the army regained full control of the villages of Warklein, Bakjih, Ghalif, Rissi, Qortery, and Jelbli in the central governorate of Shabelle, a day after it announced that it had killed dozens of Al-Shabaab near Shabelle and Hiiraan.

The terrorist group also received blows from abroad. Last month, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned six members of al-Shabaab for forming a network to purchase weapons, operate financial facilities, and recruit individuals.

The military operations coincide with the execution of death sentences against members of the Al-Shabaab terrorist group. The most recent of these convictions was last Thursday, when a Somali military court executed two members of the organization after convicting them in the assassination of two security officers in 2019.

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