
Study: Having multiple children protects women from a serious disease


A new study suggests that women who have given birth to several children may .actually be less likely to develop dementia.

This discovery came after experts found that high exposure .to estrogen throughout a woman’s life could actually lead to a healthier brain.

Women with a “longer reproductive lifespan.” or those who have had multiple children, are more exposed to this hormone.

Researchers found that this seems to be associated with a reduced risk of cerebrovascular diseases. which are linked to cognitive impairment .and dementia. A separate study from 2021 found that women exposed to higher levels of estrogen have. more gray matter in their brains.

Gray matter is a major part of the nervous system .and is involved in sensory perception. such as vision, hearing, memory. language, and decision-making.

Researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York .found that for every additional year a woman is exposed to estrogen in her life. the average size of gray matter in certain brain regions increases by 1 percent.

With each additional child a woman gives birth to. gray matter volume increases by an average of 2 percent.

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