Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood Faces Unprecedented Internal Crisis… Contradictory Statements Reflect Confusion

The Muslim Brotherhood is undergoing a major internal crisis, evidenced by conflicting statements from its leaders, which highlight internal divisions and struggles.

While the head of the political department of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Helmy El-Gazar, denied that the group had offered to withdraw from political activities in exchange for the release of political prisoners in the country, the media advisor of the (Freedom and Justice) Party, Mourad Ali, proposed an initiative on his Facebook page yesterday, confirming the Brotherhood‘s readiness to abandon political activities. Observers noted that the Brotherhood appears to be in disarray, with internal conflicts becoming more apparent.

During his appearance on the BBC program “Hardtalk,” El-Gazar emphasized that the political reconciliation he referred to would involve all political forces and the Egyptian regime, aiming to save Egypt, not just to release Muslim Brotherhood detainees, but all political prisoners.

Regarding the initiative attributed to him, he explained that a journalist (Magued Abdallah) asked him about the prisoners, to which he replied that his movement is open to a political settlement to release the detainees, but the journalist himself added the idea of withdrawing from politics.

He clarified that while the Muslim Brotherhood does not seek to wrestle for power, this does not mean they will completely abandon politics. He pointed out that political work is a fundamental principle of the Brotherhood, as it is considered part of Islam as understood by the Brotherhood and Al-Azhar.

El-Gazar also claimed that the Brotherhood has never taken up arms except against foreign occupiers and that Egypt does not need violence or bloodshed. He added that exceptional courts do not provide justice.

He concluded by stating that the Muslim Brotherhood would hold a conference on the occasion of its 100th anniversary to review itself, and if there are any mistakes, they will be publicly acknowledged.

On the other hand, Mourad Ali’s initiative emphasized the Brotherhood‘s commitment to focusing on preaching and social reform activities, leaving political work to Islamic parties and specialized politicians, according to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

The initiative also called for a comprehensive review and self-assessment of the Brotherhood‘s goals and practices over the past years, along with adopting a new vision aligned with the modern era. This vision would be flexible and adaptable to new developments, focusing on real societal issues rather than merely ideology.

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