
The Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan Seeks to Return to the Scene Through International Conferences… Details

The Muslim Brotherhood, through its political arm, the dissolved National Congress Party, is attempting to participate in international events and conferences with the aim of legislating their return to the political scene.


In this context, the popular movement “Democratic Revolutionary Current” revealed the participation of the dissolved National Congress Party in a consultative meeting for Sudanese women organized by the African Union in Kampala, Uganda.

The movement stated in a press release: “We boycotted the meeting in protest against the presence of Amira Elfadil, one of the prominent female figures presented by the Islamists during their rule.” According to Darfur 24.

The statement added that despite protests from democratic women and the forces of the revolution, the organizers decided to defend Amira Elfadil, and she was specially introduced at the beginning of the sessions as one of the most prominent Sudanese female participants.

“We, in the Democratic Revolutionary Current, have decided after consultations to withdraw from and boycott this event that aims to normalize the presence of the Islamic movement, reward it for its war and destruction of Sudan, instead of holding it accountable and ensuring it does not escape punishment,” the statement continued.

It clarified that the question remains about the connection between the civil path and the military path, how to urgently achieve a ceasefire, address the humanitarian disaster, human rights violations, war crimes, and protect civilians as a foremost duty and priority.

The statement revealed attempts to involve the National Congress Party through the back door to kill the December Revolution, calling for action to confront and stop these attempts before it’s too late.

In another context, a prominent leader in the “Kizan” group confirmed that the National Congress Party did not receive an invitation to participate in the conference hosted by Egypt next week, which brings together Sudanese civil and political forces.

Political forces under the coalition of Freedom and Change had strongly opposed the participation of the Islamic movement in any political meetings aimed at resolving the Sudanese crisis, according to Sudan Tribune.

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