
The Muslim Brotherhood is experiencing an unprecedented state of financial and organizational corruption – Details

In recent years, the Muslim Brotherhood has been in a state of unprecedented financial and organizational corruption, especially after its ouster from power in Egypt in 2013, followed by divisions and splits within its ranks.

The numerous cases of corruption revealed by prominent cadres and leaders within the Brotherhood prove that financial corruption and theft were eating away at the foundation of the organization, but its leaders kept it hidden to avoid its disintegration and to preserve its image in the minds of its followers and supporters.

The Brotherhood has split into three major factions: the Istanbul Front (Mahmoud Hussein), the London Front (Salah Abdel Haq), and the General Office Front (Change Movement), in addition to the existence of a fourth organization known as the Internal Brotherhood. These factions all claim to be the rightful representatives of the Brotherhood and accuse their rivals of deviating from the group’s path.

These conflicts have publicly revealed that senior Brotherhood leaders profited from their positions and used the funds collected from their members for personal purposes, depriving needy members of the organization of these funds.

The site indicates that these cases of corruption and theft would not have come to light without the conflicts and splits within its leadership since 2015. In the context of organizational conflict, each of the warring Brotherhood factions sought to prove its right to lead the organization by attacking the other faction and publishing testimonies and files condemning it.

The organization also has other undisclosed forms of corruption through currency exchange offices, contracting companies, charitable associations, and media channels aimed at laundering suspicious funds and giving them legitimacy to conceal their sources of financing, according to investigation documents in cases handled by the State Security Prosecution and the Illicit Gains Authority in Egypt.

According to local media, “the funding for the vast majority of the leaders of the terrorist organization came through suspicious activities such as arms trade, money laundering, prostitution, currency, antiquities, drugs, human organ trafficking, and sending youth to terrorist hotspots, and using corrupt political money to collect more funds inside and outside the country. They hid the reality of their wealth by laundering money in many activities and public domains to give legitimacy to their funds.”

The report states that the Brotherhood imposes on each of its members a donation of 7 to 10% of their total monthly salary to its treasury under the name “the call share”. These funds are collected at the level of families, branches, administrative offices, and geographical sectors up to the central leadership of the Brotherhood (the Guidance Office or the administrative committee that replaced it since 2014). Then, the leadership of the organization manages these funds and spends them on “call affairs,” according to the organization’s internal regulations.

Moreover, the organizational fluidity that the Brotherhood has experienced since 2013 has contributed to the increase in corruption and financial theft by prominent leaders of the organization, while families and organizational members were deprived of the funds they used to receive from the Brotherhood’s treasury.

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