Middle east

This is how Yemeni Brotherhood exploits terrorist attack in Moscow

The Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen never misses an opportunity to try to exonerate itself from the accusations surrounding its relationship with terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and Daesh, accusations that have been substantiated with evidence. Thus, they exploit global events by issuing statements of condemnation and denunciation. The latest of these concerns the terrorist attack targeting commercial centers in Russia.

In a statement published on its affiliated site, Al-Sahwa, the Yemeni Reform Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, condemned the cowardly terrorist act that targeted a celebration hall in one of the shopping centers in the Russian capital, Moscow, last Friday.

The Reform Party affirmed its full solidarity with friendly Russia, offering condolences to the Russian political leadership, the families of the victims, and the friendly Russian people.

The statement emphasized that terrorism has no religion or homeland, calling on the international community to cooperate in combating it through all legitimate means, within a unified definition of terrorism and its means of confrontation within the framework of international law.

The Reform Party reiterated its condemnation of all forms of violence and terrorism perpetrated by destructive terrorist groups in several countries around the world.

It claimed that the Yemeni people are among the victims of the planned terrorism exercised by the terrorist Houthi group, without addressing the relationship of the Muslim Brotherhood with the Houthi militias affiliated with Iran and their harboring, in areas under their control, of hundreds of leaders and fighters of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

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