
Tunisian Analyst: Ennahdha Faces a Fate and Challenges It Cannot Overcome

A Tunisian analyst has affirmed that the Ennahdha movement is facing a fate and challenges it cannot overcome

Tunisian authorities have placed the senior official of the Ennahdha Islamist movement, Abdelkarim Al-Harouni, under house arrest for a period of 40 days, in accordance with the state of emergency law. This is related to suspicions of financial corruption regarding properties confiscated since the era of the late President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Surrounding the Islamists

On the other hand, Ennahdha’s leader, Rached Ghannouchi, was arrested by the Tunisian police earlier this year, along with several other officials of the movement, including Noureddine Bhiri, Riadh Belhaj, Said Al-Farjani, and Mohamed Ben Salem. The government has also banned meetings in all Ennahdha headquarters, and the police have closed all party offices.

The End of Ennahdha

Oussama Aouidet, a Tunisian political analyst, revealed that the Ennahdha movement, the arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia, is facing difficulties it has never experienced in its history. This comes especially after the imprisonment of Rached Ghannouchi, the founder of the movement, on charges of corruption, terrorism, and several other cases. Following his detention, another decision was issued to ban any meetings within Ennahdha’s premises. This has led to a severe setback for the movement on all levels.

He added, “The Ennahdha movement and its leader, Rached Ghannouchi, are implicated in security cases through several of its members and leaders. These include accusations that the movement established a secret agency responsible for assassinations of political figures, such as the assassinations of activists Chokri Belaid and Mohamed Brahmi. Additionally, members of the movement are accused of sending young people to conflict zones in Libya, Iraq, and Syria.”

He continued, “The historical trajectory of the movement can point to two possible paths: the first is the undermining of the movement’s activities through measures taken by the Tunisian authorities, and the second is the issuance of a final dissolution decision.”

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