
What is the “optimal” daily calcium intake?

Calcium is an essential element for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It also plays a vital role in regulating heartbeats, supporting the nervous system, and stimulating muscles. Studies also suggest that calcium may help prevent high blood pressure and certain types of cancer.

The body does not produce calcium, making it reliant on food or supplements to meet its needs. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), adults need 1,000 mg of calcium daily up to the age of 50. After 51, this amount increases to 1,200 mg, especially for women due to hormonal changes that affect bones.

In cases of calcium deficiency, the body draws calcium from the bones, weakening them and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Symptoms may include fatigue, muscle pain, and tingling in the extremities, though they may not be immediately apparent.

Dairy products like milk and cheese are the best sources of calcium. Vegetarians can obtain calcium from leafy green vegetables, fortified almond milk, tofu, and black beans. If diet alone is insufficient, supplements such as calcium carbonate and calcium citrate may be used, but only after consulting a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage.

Overconsumption of calcium should be avoided, as it can lead to health issues such as hypercalcemia, which increases the risk of heart disease. Adults should not exceed 2,500 mg of calcium per day, with the limit reduced to 2,000 mg for those over 51 years old.

For maximum benefit, it is recommended to divide calcium intake throughout the day and consume foods rich in vitamin D to enhance absorption. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting any supplements is also advised to avoid overdoses and their negative effects on health.

Une nouvelle fonctionnalité de Google lit vos centres d’intérêt

Google teste une nouvelle fonctionnalité vocale d’intelligence artificielle qui offre aux utilisateurs un résumé des actualités correspondant à leurs intérêts, en seulement 5 minutes.

Cette fonctionnalité, appelée “Daily Listen”, est un aperçu audio personnalisé des actualités qui intéressent l’utilisateur. Elle est générée par l’intelligence artificielle à partir du flux Discover de chaque utilisateur et des recherches qu’il effectue, afin de présenter des histoires et des sujets pertinents.

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