Middle east

Yemen – Houthi militia admits targeting of Dabba oil port

The Houthi terrorist militia on Friday admitted to attacking the oil port of Dabba in Yemen’s eastern Hadramawt province with two drones in an act that would undermine peace.

In a statement issued by its military spokesman, Yahya Saree, Houthi militias described the attack as a “warning message” to the Presidential Council and the government, blackmailing the world by pressuring it to hand over the salaries of its fighters from the revenues of liberated areas.

The Yemeni government on Friday condemned the attack by Houthi militias on the oil port of Dabba as a serious threat to shipping lines and global energy security.

“We condemn and denounce in the strongest terms the attempt to target Iran-affiliated Houthi terrorist militias in Dabba port in Hadramaut province with two Iranian-made drones,” Yemen’s government said through its Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani.

“All options are open for dealing with the Houthi terrorist attack on Dabba port,” the Yemeni government said.

The attack came “after the Houthi militias declared the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab and the Arabian Sea areas of military operations and threatened to target oil installations, commercial ships and oil tankers”, he said.

“The terrorist attack is a dangerous escalation that confirms the Iranian regime’s continued use of Houthi militias as a tool to destabilize security and stability, export chaos and terrorism to Yemen and the region, and threaten shipping routes and energy security at the heart of the global economy,” he said.

These attacks also undermine efforts to calm tensions and thwart peaceful solutions to the Yemeni crisis, he said, adding that “the Iranian regime is the official sponsor of terrorism in the region and the world”.

The Yemeni official pointed to the attack, saying, “This terrorism originating from Tehran has developed its tools. It has become an alternative to car bombs and explosive belts, and a cross-border weapon to terrorize states, threaten energy sources and blackmail the world.”

“The Houthi militia’s terrorist attack on the port of Dabba, one of the most important oil ports, is part of a series of systematic attacks on infrastructure since the coup, attempts to destroy the components of the national economy, and expanding its attacks to include vital installations that have been out of the war for eight years,” he said.

Al-Eryani called on the international community and the United Nations to condemn the dangerous Houthi escalation and to assume their legal responsibilities in confronting the terrorist activities of the Tehran regime and its Houthi tool.

He also called for “working on classifying the Houthi militias as a terrorist group, in view of the threat they pose to the remaining components of the national economy, and their exacerbation of the humanitarian situation in Yemen.”

Earlier on Friday, military and local sources in Hadramaut province said that “Houthi militias targeted with explosive-laden drones a South Korean oil ship anchored near the Dabba oil port.”

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