
What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Water After Eating Sweets?

Excessive consumption of sugar and sweets exposes the body to negative health effects, particularly affecting gut health.

According to nutrition expert Minoo Balaji, drinking water after consuming sweets does not directly reduce sugar’s impact on gut health. However, it can help prevent a rapid spike in blood sugar levels by maintaining proper hydration, as reported by Indian Express.

Additionally, water supports digestion and helps remove food residues from the mouth, which may reduce the risk of tooth decay.

To make sweet consumption healthier, a few useful tips can be followed. First, consuming sweets with healthy fats, fiber, or protein can slow down sugar absorption, thereby reducing blood sugar spikes.

For example, sweets can be paired with nuts or seeds.

Secondly, opting for healthier sugar alternatives is recommended, such as mashed fruits like bananas or apples, or using brown sugar or jaggery in smaller amounts, as these substitutes are less harmful to gut health.

Thirdly, portion control is essential. Eating small amounts of sweets can help minimize their negative impact on gut health, whereas excessive sugar intake may increase inflammation and adversely affect the gut microbiome.

Furthermore, maintaining a balanced diet rich in fiber and probiotics is crucial to supporting gut health.

Lastly, drinking sufficient water throughout the day—not just after consuming sweets—is key to maintaining overall digestive health.

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