
Weapons of the night of the coup… the mafia boss continues to denounce Erdogan’s interior minister

The leader of the Turkish mafia has revealed a new accusation against the Minister of the Interior over his involvement in the distribution of unregistered weapons on the night of the alleged coup in 2016.

This came in a series of tweets posted by Sadate Peker on his Twitter account, followed by Al-Ain News on Saturday.

“Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu distributed unregistered weapons after the attempted coup as well,” peker said, adding that Turkey had witnessed the coup on 15 July 2016 and was at the time working with the regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkish media reported that Peker’s statement “also” in his tweet indicated that Soylu had distributed weapons before and during the coup, which the opposition says was a “staged coup.”

In his tweets, Peker explained that “the known AK-47 infantry rifles were transported and handed over to the Deputy Head of the Youth Committees Branch of the Justice and Development Party in Istanbul, Osman Tomakin, in the Balat district of the city.

The Mafia leader continued: “None of the weapons distributed to people by you (Soleiman Soylu) were registered in the inventory of state property. Why did you continue to distribute these weapons even after a coup with the organization and the suspicious entity that is behind you and is planning to make you president of the country?”.

Sadate Peker said that Soylo, who was the Minister of Labor and Social Security on the night of the coup attempt, visited the public television building, adding: When the official TRT TV building was raided, there were many civilians, all with Kalashnikov rifles. These weapons have not been included in the inventory of State property.

After these dramatic statements, Amar Olor’s; Sadate Peker’s media advisor has a picture in which the Head of the Youth Committees Branch of the Justice and Development Party, Abdul Sabour Suganli, and the Working Officer of the Ministry of the Interior, Ahmed Onai, commented: “This photo was taken in Esenyurt square, Balat district, after completing the transfer of the weapons that Sadate Peker spoke about.. Social media is a very dangerous place.”

The former head of the Justice and Development Party youth committees in Istanbul, Selim Tamurgi, pointed the finger directly at President Erdogan, saying in statements on Channel Five, which was attributed to the Islamist-oriented Sadet Party: “Is there anyone who can put Kalashnikov rifles in a car belonging to the Justice and Development Party youth committees without the knowledge of our President?”.

The Mafia leader’s shocking remarks brought to mind an attack by a writer close to former Turkish Interior Minister Mehmet Agar on current Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, threatening to expose suspicious steps he took on the night of the failed 2016 coup attempt.

In previous videos and tweets, mafia leader Sadat Peker has made numerous accusations against Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, including involvement in lawbreaking cases such as helping those involved in crimes flee Turkey before their arrest, as well as against morality and drug trafficking.

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