Middle east

A New Crime by Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood Threatens the Lives of Thousands of Citizens

The Muslim Brotherhood in the city of Taiz, Yemen, has committed a major disaster threatening the lives of thousands of citizens by looting smuggled and expired medicines before destroying them, and distributing them in markets at reduced prices.

According to the Local Media Center, armed men affiliated with the Al-Islah party, “the Muslim Brotherhood‘s arm in Yemen,” attacked the headquarters of the Supreme Authority for Medicines in the city of Taiz and looted smuggled and expired medicines that the authority was preparing to destroy. These medicines are considered deadly poisons and were stored illegally, posing a significant threat to the lives of citizens. The Yemeni General Authority for Medicines has warned against these medicines reaching the markets, calling for their prevention and the restoration of state authority and its institutions.

The crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood do not stop here. Recently, the group has also stolen power stations and mobile networks, and sold power generation networks, in addition to acts of looting and forcibly imposed levies.

The Muslim Brotherhood continues to commit widespread violations in Taiz. In their latest violations, the group has conducted numerous arbitrary arrests without cause, targeting citizens, some politicians, and social figures with malicious charges.

The city of Taiz, Yemen, is experiencing a difficult period under the siege of Houthi and Muslim Brotherhood militias, with deteriorating humanitarian and economic conditions. The Muslim Brotherhood controls the heart of the city, while the eastern bank is under Houthi control. Under these circumstances, civilians are living in harsh conditions.

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