Accumulated Fat in Your Muscles Poses a Threat to Your Life

The accumulation of fat around the body’s internal organs is a well-known factor in the development of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. However, a recent study from Harvard University has uncovered another risk: this fat could also threaten the heart muscle, according to the British newspaper The Times.
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According to the study published in the European Heart Journal, individuals with high levels of fat between muscle fibers were at an increased risk of heart diseases, such as heart attacks and heart failure. This risk rose by 7% with every percentage increase in muscle fat.
Muscles play a crucial role in the body’s metabolic balance, helping regulate blood sugar levels and enhancing metabolism. As people age, the body gradually loses muscle mass, which contributes to increased fat accumulation within muscle tissues.
Therefore, maintaining strong and healthy muscles is essential for preventing numerous chronic diseases.
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Research has also shown that physical exercises such as resistance training and rapid strength-building exercises can reduce intermuscular fat and enhance muscle strength.
For instance, regular exercise combining strength and flexibility training helps strengthen muscles and prevent fat accumulation within tissues. Additionally, activities like quick jumping, explosive weight lifting, and stair climbing all contribute to building and maintaining muscle health.
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Dr. Jason Moran from the University of Essex emphasized that strengthening muscles after the age of 40 is especially important. With aging, muscle strength declines faster than muscle mass itself. Therefore, incorporating strength training into a daily routine is recommended to improve overall health and prevent age-related diseases.
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