Middle east

After external funding was cut off from Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to establish their state in Gaza has been thwarted

Hamas has suffered a major blow after the entities that were funding it refused to provide more funds and informed them of the suspension of monthly aid packages amounting to millions of dollars, according to Palestinian sources in the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Security sources in the Gaza Strip confirmed that the main reason for the cessation of funding to Hamas is its direct involvement in escalating crises in Syria, Lebanon, and the Gaza Strip, which is expected to exacerbate the humanitarian situation in the besieged region.

A Significant Setback

The American newspaper “Jewish Press” reported that the Palestinian movement feels a great setback after the rejection of most of the donor entities to fund its upcoming operations. This has frustrated the plans of the Muslim Brotherhood, to which Hamas is affiliated, to execute its plans and establish an independent state in the Gaza Strip.

The newspaper added that this decision did not only constitute a significant blow to Hamas but also to the entire Muslim Brotherhood organization, which sought to reposition and expand its presence in the Gaza Strip after its leaders and members were recently deported from Turkey.

A Palestinian source stated, “In recent years, the donor entities have shown their disdain for the Hamas leadership, especially for Ismail Haniyeh, who was recently received by Hezbollah.”

Hamas Loses Momentum

The newspaper explained that Haniyeh resides in Lebanon and is the overall leader of Hamas in Judea and Samaria. His intentions contradict destabilizing the Palestinian Authority while committing to the Arab initiative that calls for a two-state solution.

A Palestinian Authority source stated that as a result, Hamas has begun to lose its momentum in the Arab region, especially after its significant failure to rebuild the Gaza Strip despite the billions sent by Arab countries to rescue the people of Gaza from extreme poverty. However, Hamas was using the money to execute its own plans and agendas for the Muslim Brotherhood rather than aiding the Palestinian people.

The newspaper emphasized that cutting off funding to Hamas highlights the financial pressures facing the movement, leaving many of its leaders receiving only 50 percent of their salaries. Aid is considered essential for the movement, which has imposed heavy taxes on the population to increase its resources.

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