
Cairo’s support for Turkey in earthquake disaster exposed years of Brotherhood lies to tarnish Egypt’s image

Egypt has provided a model of support to the people of Turkey and Syria in their plight and helped them mitigate the effects of the devastating earthquake in the two countries, which led to large numbers of casualties and injuries, in addition to the Egyptian President’s contact with his Turkish and Syrian counterpart. All these moves by Egypt have silenced the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, which over the past years has been tarnishing the image of the Egyptian leadership and state, and spreading sedition.

Egypt’s support

The Egyptian support provided to the Turkish and Syrian sides is an affirmation of the importance of humanitarian support to confront incidents of natural phenomena, which will contribute to strengthening ties of solidarity and brotherhood between peoples to overcome adversity. A report by the Roaya network confirmed that this move, especially with Turkey, demonstrated the status of Egypt and extended a hand to all. This will make Turkey review its policies, which were followed by supporting terrorist groups, headed by the Muslim Brotherhood, and opening relations with states and avoiding entering into the internal affairs of any state.


Dr. Mohamed Rabie Eldehi, Professor of International Relations and an expert in Turkish affairs, says that the crisis of the devastating earthquake in Turkey will make the Turkish regime think again about its aggressive policies, especially with the major disaster in his country, as demonstrated by Egypt standing by Turkey and extending a helping hand, despite the fact that the Turkish regime had a role in the past and is still supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to spread their terrorist plans against Egypt .

The expert added that natural crises will bring people together, and I also expect that Turkey will review its occupation policies in northern Syria. He explained that the Egyptian position with Turkey was expected from a political leadership eager to extend a helping hand for the stability of the region without any crisis or division, noting that the Egyptian position was praised by many Turkish people and politicians.

Shut the Brotherhood’s Tongue

For his part, expert in Arab affairs Mohamed Hamada said: “The Egyptian role is honorable, and it is his duty to stand by and support different countries in crises and disasters.” He pointed out that the Egyptian position with Turkey is the most silent language of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been trying for years to broadcast its terrorist lies from Turkish soil in order to achieve their terrorist goals. This confirms that Egypt was, and still is, right, and that the Muslim Brotherhood were exploiting countries in order to escape and be their sanctuaries in exchange for distorting the image of Egypt and its relations with various countries.

The expert added that the earthquake disaster is expected to restore the political map in the region, and that despite the crises and losses suffered by Turkey and Syria, it will have political dimensions in Turkey’s move in the coming period to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood elements once and for all from its territories, and to stop any movement working against the Egyptian state from Turkish soil.

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