
Continuation of wasting the right of Turkish woman … A young Turkish woman suicide after the release of her rapist

A young Turkish woman has ended her life after losing hope that state law would punish her for being raped, the Turkish opposition newspaper Burgon reported on Monday.

According to the newspaper, the young woman named Ada Nour Qabalan, 18 years old, lives in the Çan Kaya neighborhood in the Turkish capital, Ankara. She committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of a high-rise building.

Qabalan had earlier informed the police station that she was being raped by a person, and the security forces would later arrest the suspect, but the police released him for “lack of evidence”.

This easy release of the accused, without a lengthy investigation to prove what Qabalan had said, made the young woman cynical and think about getting rid of her life by jumping from the balcony of her 15-floor house in a building in the aforementioned neighborhood.

The girl left a letter to her mother before her suicide in which she said: “My mother, your little daughter, can’t take it anymore. They destroyed your daughter, and she couldn’t tell anyone. She hid it inside, but it got worse inside and she couldn’t handle it anymore.”

She added: “Your daughter no longer feels sure things will be all right. Please don’t let my right be wasted. I can’t take it anymore and I can’t hold it. So you guys stand up. I love you all and take care of yourselves. I couldn’t live beautiful days but let you have beautiful days.”

Later, several newspapers published the girl’s statement to the police, in which she said that a young man called Yusuf.J. took her to a hotel without any resistance from her, because she was nearly unconscious; He sexually assaulted her.

The issue has been at the forefront of Turkish public opinion, on all media, especially social media, and has reignited calls to reduce violence against women in Turkey.

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