Middle east

Corruption of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen… Embezzlement, Extortion, and Trading in People’s Needs

The liberated areas in Yemen, particularly those dominated by the Al-Islah party, the “branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen,” are witnessing significant corruption. This includes the embezzlement of public funds from official checkpoints, customs, and the tax authority, as well as the approval of fictitious projects with allocated budgets that are then shared without executing those projects. Additionally, there is the theft and confiscation of salaries, the imposition of road tolls on vehicles, and the extortion of financial levies from shop owners, market vendors, and street stall owners.

According to a report published by (Al-Muntasaf Net), the Muslim Brotherhood administration affiliated with the legitimate government is involved in activities such as land theft and trading, trading in services like electricity and petroleum derivatives, currency speculation, increasing internal money transfer fees and sharing these with Houthi militias. Furthermore, it facilitates drug, contraband, and arms smuggling to Houthi militias in exchange for substantial sums, engages in various arms trading, and confiscates grants and humanitarian aid, among other forms of corruption.

A government report issued earlier this year revealed the extent of the crimes committed by Al-Islah party militias against citizens’ properties in Taiz province.

A report by the Yemeni Ministry of Interior indicated that crimes of property appropriation reached the highest rates among the crimes recorded in the city of Taiz in 2023.

The report noted that Taiz province recorded (3181) crimes last year, including (543) crimes of property appropriation committed by Al-Islah party militias affiliated with military and security units.

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