
Developments in Storm ‘Ciaran’… 20 Dead in Europe 

The death toll from the storm “Ciaran” in Europe has risen to 20 people as it reached France, Spain, and Portugal with winds reaching speeds of 130-160 km/h.

In Portugal, a fourth body was found on board the sailing vessel that capsized due to the storm “Ciaran,” approximately 60 kilometers north of Lisbon.

At least 3 of them held Danish nationality. In addition to the four deaths in Portugal, there was one fatality in Spain, 9 in Italy, 3 in France, 2 in Belgium, one death in the Netherlands, and one in Germany.

Ciaran caused damage in the millions across half the continent.

Unprecedented winds reaching speeds of up to 140 km/h were recorded in Corsica, and the storm caused the falling of trees, floods, and torrents.

Balkan countries like Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Slovenia were affected by the storm, where it uprooted trees and destroyed roads.

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